October is a busy month for public engagements!

RSL Option 2_House ADU and DADU_Street View.jpg

I will be out and about talking about the opportunities to make our cities more vibrant, equitable and affordable by ‘Greenzoning’ ie, putting more people’s homes near the jobs, parks, schools, in neighborhoods that already exist.


1.City of Kenmore ‘Missing Middle’ Housing panel October 15th:


2. Residential Small Lot Zoning in West Seattle, October 16th, Sign up here:


3. ADU Fair! Come learn from architects, builders, planners, bankers, realtors about cottages, October 19th


4. I’m moderating a City Council Candidate Forum on Housing and Homelessness, October 21st:


5/6. I’m presenting ‘How Greenzoning can fight Climate Change’ at the Northwest Ecobuilding Guild’s Slam AND again at the Summit, October 25 and 26th


7. I’ll be in Fremont at Infiniti Real Estate on Sunday, October 27th from 3:00 - 5:00pm, to answer questions about RSL. (Infiniti also has a nice window display featuring CAST’s D/ADUs and Backyard Cottages for “What’s Up with Upzones?”)


8. Roundtable at the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce Executive Speaker Series: Architecture and Design in a Growing City


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